Sunday, April 12, 2009

Found III

Here is the third installment of my "found" video.

I received alot of feedback on Thursday and here are two things I plan on doing:

1. Creating a Blog with all of my found material...keeping it hush hush at the moment.

2. Keep the main video short with some changes.

I am pleased with the progress so far and I look forward to refining the video and working on a blog to share the creative process.

I am taking some advice I recieved in class and I am not showing everything I have done from this point on, maybe little bits but the majority is hush hush. Until next time...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Production Video CLip

I figured that since I was making a movie, I needed a production company name and since I now have a name, I needed a catchy video to promote my work, so here goes!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Final Project II is the second attempt:

I used the JPEg image from Shannon kind of like a sticker to place over the blurred NCOW image in my original movie, however, the image is a little different each time and the image seems to pulsate...did anyone notice? I think that I may have to re-do the images, making sure there is no flash screwing things up. I have also been thinking about adding another title slide right after the still shots with a caption that says "So what have we been writing?" then show casing a few individual cards and their messages. So my big question is what does everyone think? Should I redo the images? Should I make a title slide with the what have we been writing question? I will hopefully post again with a third attempt soon...with individual shots and better footage for the last shot.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Free Culture and the Project

Free Culture

I finished reading the first section of Free Culture and I just want to say Love It! I have never quite understood the big deal about sharing music et al? In the 80's we made mix tapes and taped songs from the radio, in the 90's I did the same thing just with cd' it really different then finding it on-line?

The Project

I will be working on manipulating images tonight and tomorrow before class...hopefully with better results to show-off.